Call Quality Assesments using DiMETRO - Manager - setup questions

Call Quality Assesments using DiMETRO - Manager - setup questions

Use Internet Explorer as this is what the program is designed around, and it makes it a lot easier.
You must be working off a computer that is inside JJ Sydney network 

SCORECARD - The group of questions that are reviewed 
QUALITY ITEMS - these are the questions/points from each call which make up the scorecard 

SCORECARD To add a new scorecard 

Create new or 
Create new by copying from another 

QUALITY ITEMS - To add questions to a scorecard 
How it works 
You add the questions , these could be added to any scorecard 
then you add that question to the relevant scorecard 

The easiest way to add questions to a scorecard:
You will need to select Setup>Quality items
Once on this page, you will see all current questions.

To add a new question. Click "Create new by copying another item" link at top.

Then select a question you wish to copy and click create item. Select a question that will have same answers. eg. yes/no or a question with yes/no/NA.

Fill in the form and leave all settings the same.

Once done. Click save. This will then appear in list of quality items.

To add this to a scorecard:

Click Setup> Quality Scorecards

Click the name of the scorecard you want to add questions to.

Here you can add questions by clicking "items"

To add new question, after clicking Items, click create new at top of page

Item should be the question you wish to add (as previously saved)

Weighting = 10.0
Sort value = Where you want question to appear on scorecard. eg 1 for 1st question, 2 for 2nd question.

Once done hit Save.

This is how normal questions are added.


To create a new question from scratch:

If you need to create a question from scratch (not by duplicating another)

Setup>Quality items

Click Create new item from scratch at top.

Fill in name
Prompt = what it says when you hover above question on score card - brief description
Description = what you will be basing scoring off

Fill in bottom section like this and click save:

You can then add values by clicking "0 Values" > "Create new item from scratch"

Values = answers. eg Yes, No or N/A

Fill in form as per below.

Name= Answer
Desc= Not needed, but can be added for more complex answers.
Sort value= order in which it appears. ie,1Yes then 2No, or 1No then 2Yes
Score= For positive score, 10.0.  Negative score, 0.0.  To have an answer that removes the question from scoring (eg N/A), put 999.
Skip Question= This is if you want it to skip a question if this answer is selected. eg. if answer is no for question 2, skip question 3

Save when done.

Repeat this process for each answer you want to add for this question.