*dont do for EBAY & CAP accounts
On the upper left side of the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE screen, click on SUMMARY tab
Click on BALANCE (rightmost column) until arrow shows up. This will sort the customer according to its BALANCE. Scroll down to find all entries with 0.00 balance.
Double click the first customer with 0.00 balance to open the Payment Allocation screen
The goal of this task is to clear out all 0.00 balances. To do that, we have to make adjustments.
Click on “ADJUSTMENT” on the upper part of the Payment Allocation screen.
The LEDGER ADJUSTMENT screen will pop up.
Customer: Make sure we are crediting the correct customer.
Adjustment Type: Adjustment Credit
Sale Type: Charge Account (by default)
Amount: $0.01
Reference: Leave it blank
Select “SAVE” then a small screen will pop up, click “OK”.
Payment Allocation screen will now reflect the Adjustment Credit.
Again, click on “ADJUSTMENT”. This time, we will enter Adjustment Refund.
Customer: Make sure we are crediting the correct customer.
Adjustment Type: Adjustment Refund
Sale Type: Charge Account (by default)
Amount: $0.01
Reference: Leave it blank
Select “SAVE” then a small screen will pop up, click “OK”.
Payment Allocation screen will now reflect the Adjustment Refund.
Hold Ctrl or Shift key to select both 0.00 and 0.01 entries. Make sure they are highlighted like this:
On the upper left side of the screen, select ALLOCATE PAYMENT.
You will see this
Click on OK.
Now that we have eliminated the 0.00 balance, we then ALLOCATE the 0.01 balance:
This will pop up:
Click on OK.
Now that the 0.01 balances have been allocated, we could see that there are no more entries in the Payment Allocation screen.
We go back to A5 Accounts Receivable and we see that the name of the customer is gone. We then proceed to the next customer.