Instructions for entering Freight details to freight Master file.
Freight invoice are received either
1. Via post to JJAutoparts - JJAutoparts admin team scan invoice to dropbox ( see instructions for scanning documents) directly to freight Check folder.
2. Invoices are emailed direct from freight company to
How to record Details
Open freight master file using the link above select correct tab for the freight company invoice that is being checked.
1.Column A - Record Freight company details including - Freight Company Name
-Invoice Number
-Date of Invoice
this only needs to be recorded on the first line of each new invoice
2.Column B - Record Con note number listed on freight invoice - ( this is only required if freight invoice has no JJAutoparts invoice reference number listed)
3. Column C - Record the amount freight company has charged JJAutoparts
4. Record JJAutoparts invoice reference number if listed - If not listed refer (step 2)
make sure con note number is listed and notes are recorded
5. Add Notes / Add re delivery original invoice / Add re delivery name listed on freight invoice - Notes are required in there is no JJAutoparts invoice reference number - details for transactions can be located from freight invoice description.Example re-delivery or receiver pays
6. At the end of entering all charges from the freight invoice that is currently being checked - Column C - MUST add and balance to the freight invoice.
- - Freight invoices are located in Zendesk under category A/P FREIGHT/TOWING
- click the ticket to open download the invoice attached from the ticket, just click the attachment and it will automatically download
- open the invoice
- Open Freight Masterfile from Google Docs
- Click ( + ) tab to add new sheet
- Rename the new sheet put the name of freight and invoice number
· Column C – REFERENCE
· Column D – AMOUNT
· Column E – NOTES
- after entering the following details on masterfile compare the total amounts from the invoice to masterfile if match.
What if there is more than one invoice/con note used by freight company per charge on freight invoice?
If there is more than one invoice/con note used for the one charge add lines to the freight master recording the other invoices/connotes used for this charge. In the notes section record - sub charges.
What if the freight invoice is for re-delivery charge?
If the charge is for re-delivery - column B record con note number, column C record amount charged and in notes - record in the re-delivery original invoice number - this can be found on previous invoices from freight company
What if the freight charge lists RMA?
If the freight invoice lists RMA - Column B record con note number, column C amount charged, NOTES - record RMA number if listed or any details listed n description on freight invoice.
What if the freight charge is for a "buy in"?
If the freight invoice advises a buy in. Column B record con note number, column C amount charged, NOTES - record description or any reference numbers listed on freight invoice.
Where do i list accounting fees if charged?
If the invoice has accounting fees - list the amount charged in Column C, Notes record "accounting Fees".
Which amount do i record GST exclusive or Inclusive?
When recording amount us the total amount charged to JJAutoparts GST Inclusive.
Where do i find the original invoice number for any re- delivery charges?
You can locate the original invoice number by searching the name in S11 Masterfile Column F.