On a certain day during the month we pay our monthly suppliers , many of these suppliers especially p.o ones are also our customers
if not
we change the planned date of this supplier to the 1st of the month ,
we create aticket to accounts payable team and they will " swap payments with this supplier "
the ticket subject line is the supplier name and swap chqs
basically they negotiate with this supplier so we can get payment owing to us
it doesn't matter to the amounts ,
if they owe us for the period that we are paying then we dont pay ,we swap chqs.
even if we have other tickets open to collect funds from this supplier, open this as a separate ticket and action accordingly ( otherwise it gets too complicated )
it is the accounts payable manager who actions this ticket so they are usually aware of other open tickets for this supplier and can action/merge then as required
so to clarify -
person doing statements task will create a separate ticket each time for items where we have to swap chqs
accounts receivable or payable manager may merge this to other tickets
once we have payment and or agreed swap dates then changed the planned date accordingly , make sure to check we actually received our payments though
1 Ticket per supplier as per example below
Hi xxx ,
We have on our records that we owe you $xxxx and you owe us $xxx for xxx ( month) .
We would like to swap payments. Kindly let us know when you are okay to swap.