Points incentive system General guide

Points incentive system General guide

Points incentive system General guide

Points incentive system is designed to reward and recognize results  

A team member may  have a base salary and a points incentive system

The structure of this system will almost certainly change with time as changes to operations and market place occur .

Once on the “points system “ at end of pay cycle team member will be paid the greater of base salary or points incentive result

If team member didn’t achieve points output and is being paid by base salary then its recognized that they didn’t achieve required output

For that Pay period they will be paid the normal base amount 

this shortfall is noted and will be deduced from next pay period when employee is above base 


my base is $900 gross  ,
i achieved with points 850 ,
so that week
i still get $900 ,
but in the next week if i achieved 1100 ,
then the 50 shortfall is taken off so would get paid $1050 in that next week 

If during a 3 month period employee again doesn't achieve results above base then base amount will be reduced and employee performance meeting will result 

 Meeting outcome will be to  agree on  corrective  actions will be taken to ensure that employee is able to achieve above base amount .



Gross base pay is PLUS Superannuation (its the amount less tax )  ,so your nett from this is less tax 

POINTS SYSTEM Amount includes  superannuation and tax  so your nett from this will be less superannuation AND  tax 


This must be submitted to manager by close of business on the Tuesday following the points cycle 
If you cant /dont submit paperwork then you will be paid base rate for that cycle and will correct this on the next pay cycle

The paperwork must be finalized and complete 
If you have more than 10 different items of pieces of paper in total then split these up into each days summery and staple together each days summery 

These must show start and finish times and must be signed off 

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