
Type: TASK
Priority: HIGH

The reason why we’re putting it in this setting is for tickets to be on top of your views and won’t get mixed up  with other open/pending tickets. 

DISCOUNT CALCULATOR - Use the calculator with your name


We normally list parts as Fixed Price with Best Offer so customers can negotiate with the price if they want. When that happens we will receive a notification like this below and we should respond to them as soon as possible during business hours. On weekends or holidays, its ok to respond after 24 hours but if you can't do it before the offers expire (48 hours) you should advise your manager about it.

-Log in to Zendesk and go to Views by clicking on the icon pointing by the red arrow below and assign ticket to yourself.



- Click on eBay - Offers and open the ticket on the right. If there are plenty of tickets we should respond to the oldest one first.



For this sample below we are selling the item with buy it now price of $3950 and customer made an offer of $3500with no terms added. If customer puts a note in the term please refer to article RESPONDING TO EBAY OFFERS WITH TERMS ADDED BY CUSTOMER for instruction.

Click on the link next to "Respond now "

- Go to the listing description and look for model and year model and search in pinnacle 

- Search for that part in Pinnacle and if there is multiple ic lines filter it from ebay description 


-Check the Actual Price, Age, Part Recommendation and number of parts in stock.

-Then open the DISCOUNT CALCULATOR and to see the best price we can offer. (save this doc to a shortcut !!! )

- Go back into ebay and click "make a counter offer" and type in price from the blue cell from our calculator into the "your counter offer" section and
add a message "$xxxx + freight id our best and last price. Thanks"
Then click review counter offer > then submit counter offer 

-Go back in zendesk, 
note in body "COUNTER OFFER : $XXXX" 

-Log a quote - and use customer ebay user name as the customer name
note quote number in zendesk body as well

-Click submit as solved in the bottom right hand corner 



What I want to decline the customers offer?

  If you will decline the offer just add our script in the message box then hit Decline offer.



Customer sent his offer via message, how should I respond to it?

Advise customer to use the "Make Offer" function of eBay so we can properly respond to his offer.


Thanks for your offer.

Please use the "Make Offer" function of eBay so we can properly respond to it.


Customer advised that he made an offer on eBay but we can't see any ticket or notification about that. Where can I find his offer?

View the eBay listing and see if there is a link for Review Offer like the one below.

Why can't I see the part recommendation when I highlight the part in Pinnacle?

This happen sometimes and the work around is make sure that the part is highlighted then on the top select Options > Manual Pricing. 

On the next window click on Show Search Results button on the top.

You should see the part recommendation on the next window.

When will I decline the offer?

As much as possible let's use counteroffer. We don't want to decline offers unless for the following reason.
  • Customer sent a very low offer. i.e. The item price is $1,000 and he only offer $10. Let's use 10% as our mark up. If the offer is lower than than 10% of the item price then we decline it straight away.
  • Customer keep on sending the same counteroffer and doesn't reach our lowest price.
  • Customer is too demanding or has too many request. They are problematic customer that will cause us trouble after they purchase the item. 

Why does the price on eBay different from the actual price in Pinnacle?

The prices were the same when the advert was placed. We are changing the price of some parts in Pinnacle depending on the market supply and demand and it will update the price on eBay automatically overnight so you don't need to update the price or end the eBay listing. But when you are calculating for the best amount, always USE THE PINNACLE PRICE.
           NOTE: If there is an active offer on eBay, price won't update on eBay until the offer expires.

What does the letter "m" in Age column in Pinnacle means?

The letter "m" in age column in Pinnacle in the sample below means month.

We received a notification/ticket about the offer but I can't see the button to review offers on eBay listing. Why is that?

Most probably you are not logged in on eBay. Try logging in first then refresh the page. Please note that in the step 8 above there is a direct link where you can review and respond to offers.

What will you do with the eBay offer/counteroffer retraction?

There are times that customer will retract his offer due to some reason like he changed his mind or put incorrect amount or maybe customer can't wait and just decided to buy the part with its current price. In this case you just have to assign the ticket to yourself and submit it as solved.


What shall I do if customer put an offer on the item but referring to a different part?

Decline the offer and ask customer to put an offer on that item he is referring to if he saw that on eBay.

What shall I do if the eBay listing of item that customer put an offer on has already ended.

This sometimes happen when  You can check if there was an invoice or work order done for that part and check customer's name. If customer's name in the work order/invoice is almost similar to his eBay ID in the offer it means that customer called our Sydney store after putting an offer on eBay but process the sale over the phone instead. If that is the case you can just submit the ticket as solved.

If customer's name in the work order/invoice is different from his eBay ID then check if we have another part available. If we do then send a message to customer and offer that to him but also confirm with him that he wasn't the one who purchased the one ended on eBay as eBay ID are not always the same with their name.

What to do if the price looks too cheap or too expensive?


What to do if the actual price of the part is less than existing minimum price ?

If the item price is less than $77 then just don't offer any discount at all.

What to do if the best price in calculator is more than the actual price of the part?

This sometimes happen because the calculator is rounding off the price to nearest 10. In this case just don't offer any discount at all.


TRAINING STEPS - When in training follow this process 
stage 1 training 

communicate in the ticket and push it back and forth 

1. trainer pushes tickets to trainee , trainee will only do offers without terms 
2. trainee look at offer , then look at item in pinnacle and decide what is appropriate price to offer back 
note in ticket the item interchange number and the suggested price/action , 
if price different between pinnacle and ebay advertised price then trainee just push back to trainer with note that their is price difference - trainer will complete  
3. trainee push  ticket to trainer so trainer can check 
4.trainer will finish , trainer will log quote in pinnacle and push ticket back to trainee with guidance on what was correct and what needs training 
5. trainee closes ticket , if trainee not sure on guidance then they push back again to trainer with questions 
stage 2 training 

1. trainee will pick up own tickets , trainee will only do offers without terms - if its offer with terms push to trainer with note as to why you cant do it 
2. trainee look at offer , then look at item in pinnacle and decide what is appropriate price to offer back 
note in ticket the item interchange number and the suggested price/action , 
if price different between pinnacle and ebay advertised price then trainee just push back to trainer with note that their is price difference - trainer will complete  
3. trainee push  ticket to trainer so trainer can check 

4.trainer will check
if too complex trainer just finish 
if not too complex  trainer will confirm ok or advise trainee  of corrective action 
5. trainer will push ticket back to trainee 
6. trainee lodge quote in pinnacle and responds back to customer