Explain the different departments on the work order manager
How do shipping staff sort view on the w/o manager
(i.e using arrows to sort columns)
What are the parts status on work order manager ,what do they mean ?
What do the colors on the work order manager mean ?
If goods are sent direct whom completes the work order manager to invoice process
What is the resolution area on the work order manager there for ? who puts information here ?
How do we add information ?
Either sales staff,operations or shipping staff add information ,its like a unique stick on post it note that is added to the order
How do shipping staff prioritize their work load
What if shipping staff cant find an item what do they do ?
What quality checks do shipping staff do when picking a part
What are the general part presentation guides we have for parts we send out
i.e wont get dirty hands to pick them up
Explain the different bays in the shipping area ?
What is the process when engines or trans are sold
What is the process when part that has to be dismantled is sold , from time its sold by sales to when its shipped
How to sales staff know when a work order has been started to be action ed by the shipping staff
What do sales staff do when following up late deliveries for sam pedro couriers
What do sales staff do when following up late deliveries for IPEC
How do sales staff know which carrier to select when sending goods to regional areas
How do sales staff add special instructions to workorder manager for shipping staff to read ?
How do sales staff add special instructions to workorder manager for operations/dismantling staff to read ?
How do sales staff know carrier cut off times ?
see doc and w/o manager shows