STEEL/ALLOYS BINS - UPDATED FEB 2016- guide re arranging pick up

STEEL/ALLOYS BINS - UPDATED FEB 2016- guide re arranging pick up



Download the PDF from from the ONE STEEL notification ticket

Go to Xero and look for the ONE STEEL entry 

Under the CREATE tab, click on ADD DETAILS and it will show you this

Enter the INV NUMBER in REFERENCE NUMBER and attach the PDF file


When operations manager arranges for pick up of these bins we note this in google docs
that way account staff can ensure we get paid for bins . Once bin has been collected note in google docs date bin collected and docket number.



1.      When you book the bin to be emptied  - note it in google docs on steel alloy bin tab Make sure correct bin type is recorded eg. Steel aluminum , radiators etc.

2.      When Bin is picked up ,note the collection service docket number in google docs (get staff used to putting this doc on your desk) just note the collection docket number ,no need to keep card copy 

COPPER WIRING- when copper wiring is being collected by dismantle staff- note in google docs date, weight of copper, and dismantlers name. Payment will be made to dismantlers  on 3rd pay day of the following month by accounts staff . (see instructions below) 


When we receive payment from steel buyer
cross check their received dates with dates on table
if all matches mark the payment details and date
if not matching or payment missing then contact one steel

as a guide average car weight @ april 2014 800kg per car 

Copper wiring- dismantlers to be paid 3rd pay after previous month. 50% of fee received for wiring. Amounts will be received by support email. (See support instructions) 

Checking One Steel Remittances

Ø  Copy of ONESTEEL REMITTANCE is sent by our suppliers found in ZENDESK

Ø  Open the email and DOWNLOAD the file attached

Ø  Image below are the sample of ONESTEEL REMITTANCE sent by supplier

Ø  Go to DROPBOX – DOWNLOADS category; Find and Open ONESTEEL REMITTANCE you downloaded from the email,sent by supplier.

Ø  Go to google spreadsheet – Salvaged Cars tab

·         Payments Received – month you are processing

·         Date Range – Coverage date of remittance

·         Tax Invoice Number – located at the top of the remittance

·         Cheque Number – indicated in remittance

·         Total Amount of Remittance – indicated at the bottom of the remittance

·         Less GST on Income – Total Value near total amount of Remittance

·         Pinnacle Number of Cars

-          Go to Pinnacle / Management / V2 Vehicle Stock

-          4th line MVR Dismantled

-          Select previous month

-          Go to the last page

-          Get the overall total MVR

·         Car Bodies – get the total of car bodies from the remittances (do not get the environmental fee line)

·         Total Payment for Cars – compute the total of the car bodies gross value

·         Average Price per Car – total payment of car divided by car bodies

·         Total Weight of Car – compute the sum of the weight of all car bodies

·         Average Weight Per Car – total weight of car divided by car bodies

·         Light Gauge – sum of all the Light gauge Steel gross value

·         Total Weight of LGS – compute the sum of the weight of all light gauge steel

·         Average Rate per Tonne – leave it to Deb/Therese

·         Aluminum Irony/Copper Wiring/Forklift – sum of all the aluminum irony gross value

·         Total Weight of Alum – compute the sum of the weight of all Aluminum Irony

·         Average Rate per Tonne – leave it to Deb/Therese.

       After the process done in SCRAP SALVAGED CARS, open the ONESTEEL BINS TAB beside of scrap salvaged cars and record the details needed  ( only STEEL  HOOK BINLIGHT GAUGE, ALLOY D BIN , and RADIATOR CORE BIN need to record.)

End of Month


When all payments have been received for the month.

Check the number of cars payment was received – against the number of cars listed in pinnacle…..allow of a maximum of 10% variance.

Record – copper wiring amounts and dismantler name and forward email to

Dismantler Name


$$ received

Dismantler 50% share